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Thread: Combined military might of the universe

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Re: Combined military might of the universe

    Quote Originally Posted by awa View Post
    Feel like a universe destroying book would trigger that no infinite clause but even if it doesn't
    then we're back to MAD you can destroy their universe but you cant stop a Pa'anuri that gets into yours.
    If you presume the Cosmos (as in, the one you inhabit right now) is infinite, then yes, the Book is infinite and shouldn't be considered. I'm treating it as finite in the sense of "only affects one of the warring universes at a time". If you ban the Book, you ought to ban the Monolith too.

    As for whether LotFP would be able to combat Pa'anuri, the Monolith is not baryonic matter, but neither is it dark matter. It, and everything in it, would likely be able to survive a Pa'anuri. And if a Pa'anuri was able to enter the Monolith (by strict reading of game rules, they can't) , it would have to play by the same rules of fabricated mental space as others. At best, it would be like those scenes in Schlock Mercenary where two AIs duke it out in a virtual space. Who would win is an open question.

    Quote Originally Posted by awa
    Except its not quite an even MAD, it takes longer to assemble the book then to fire a long gun, so if they know where you are before you do you just lose. If you do assemble the book you destroy their universe but you cant stop any of them that crosses over, so I guess they just steal your universe?
    Long Guns need precise targeting data to hit their target, and even before the Book is completed, the Monolith itself interferes with that. The distance from the Monolith to the edge of its effect is variable. How variable? From few feet to several Astronomical Units. You can aim directly at the Monolith and still miss by half the width of Earth's solar system. That's after you've found out where this thing (which doesn't exist part of the time) even is.

    Just stealing the LotFP universe is possible after they destroy yours. I'm not going to discuss how well LotFP could resist, because that would require invoking additional LotFP nonsense. Talking about just the Book and the Monolith is nonsense enough.
    Last edited by Vahnavoi; 2020-11-04 at 04:58 AM.