You know, despite me remembering the show (and especially the song), it was never one I tracked down on DVD to watch like the others. I think possibly because the western bend doesn't gel with me too well...? Not enough vehicles? Possibly qeually as likely, it was not shown for very long on UK telly.

(And, like... Pretty much ALL of the series of that llk, only the first few episodes. UK kid's TV has always treated as junk then as now; in the 1980s it was they'd buy the first dozen or so episodes, and then repeat ad-nauseum, which meant on re-watching the series on DVD, I remembered larger chunks of the early ones and nothing of the later ones. I think my favourite, Centurions, must have gotten the furthest, and maybe Transformers got to chunks of season two, but the rest I never recalled anything beyond the first dozen or so. I'm thus quite surprised Galaxy Rangers even HAS 64 episodes (though I shouldn't be, as for probably two decades I assumed that was all they'd made of Jayce.))

Still, Galaxy Rangers cannot possilbly be as bad as the worst of its contemporaries MASK, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors and Thundercats.

(Yes, I too was surprised that Thundercats is on that list, but when I have tried watching it again, it really is kind of absolutely terrible; to the point, that having gotten the ruddy thing on DVD, I can only force myself through a handful of episodes at once because OH MY LICHEMASTER. (It has 128 episodes HOW?!) I genuinely found Thundercats Roar to be 100% better. Anyone who thinks I'm insane should go and watch Madora the Evil-Chaser in both series...)