Originally Posted by Theobaldi
Sounds like not quite either, then? The Wall of the Faithless is supposed to be eternal, right?
Not sure what you mean by "not quite either," since I'm just going with what I see on p. 259. The wall isn't formally named as the Wall of the Faithless here, and it's a little hazy on the timeframe. Here's what it says after mentioning the supernatural greenish mold:

"This mold prevents them from escaping the wall and eventually breaks down their substance until the soul and its consciousness are dissolved."

In this context, "eventually" could be centuries or millions of years, and it also doesn't really detail what they're dissolved into, since presumably this is spiritual substance we're talking about.

By contrast, the only direct mention of eternal punishment I see is for the False, who are a different category than the Faithless and not involved with the wall per se:

"The False are punished according to their crimes in life and serve their sentence in the City of Judgment for eternity."

So without reading this carefully, some people on the forums may be confusing the False and the Faithless, and may be assuming that the eternal punishments meted out to the False somehow apply to the Faithless as well. Again, I'm not familiar with the details of setting lore on this point, much less from other editions, so the wall may have been changed to an eternal sentence in some other source.