AC: 17 | HP: 30/30 | HIT DIE: 2/2 d10, 1/1 d8 | INSPIRATION: 0
Sanity: 9 (+1) | Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 13
Conditions: ---

Accepting the large stick - practically a wooden club on its own, Reinaldo grins up at Sora'Shana. "I'm ready whenever you are - always spar before eating, right? Build up an appetite instead of a stomach ache." He stands up, and Axton could swear he flashes a smug smirk the hedge knight's way at disobeying his attempt to give orders.

"Then the vistani are men and women of good taste!" he compliments in response to Arrigal's approval, holding up his stick into the air and sweeping a hand out at the crowd, as he joins Sora'Shana going up on stage - if there is a stage. A suitably open floor space will do if not.