Training Ground

Oh hey is that a particularly resplendent bird of paradise sleeping in a nearby tree?
Well, it is and it isn't. This bird in particular startles awake at the sound of combat. Oh no, are they under attack- oh wait he fell asleep next to the training ground. Why did he think that was a good idea? He's lucky no one is practicing with a gun. Or the Commander's mate's very loud sword.
The bird flutters down to land squarely on the gaiad's rump. "Hi Ser uh, Pepper! How have you been? Has your armor been pinching? Did you ever find that faerie deli?" oh right that's Spako. Did Pepper remember Spako is sometimes a very colorful bird? It's okay if she didn't, Spako forgets some time too.
Spako has been very worried for his friend. Cursed, again. With no cure in sight. But she's happy, and that's alright. It's a little alarming that Buttercup seemed to like it when Spako called her Sir Rebo but now she's pretty set on being Pepper. But that's just how people adjust sometimes. After all, he took to being this, didn't he? And a dragon. Sure he sought those out. But changing your name? Well, Spako has more indirect experience with that than most. He can respect it. Hopefully Pepper can respect that her friend is worried about her and just wants to make sure that she's really happy and not just influenced by Buttercupness. And that she's getting along with being a new weird non-human thing.