Dalen practically jumps when Greg enters the room, shaken from an intense focus. He collects himself to read the letter, "ah, thank you for bringing this to my attention. And reminding me of the dinner. Time passes all too quickly when making good progress," he sets down his tools and puts them aside neatly.

The trip to the Griffin gives Dalen plenty of time to stew over the summons from the bank of Abadar, and to consider what exactly it means. In the previous timeline he knew exactly where he and his father stood, but in this timeline so many of the details had played out differently - and were playing out differently. Whatever bad blood exists between them in this timeline, Raemus Rittle was still his best chance to be taken seriously with regards to Lamm's threat. The man who raised him, who taught him to be perceptive and analytical, the primary skills that carried him forward even now. He would understand as well as Dalen that when faced with an unbreakable lock, the smart thief instead tries to lift the key from the owner's pocket. Dalen could only speculate on exactly how Lamm was planning to break in, but given the unflappable confidence displayed by Lamm's proxy the previous evening, there was no doubt that his key to entry (whether literal or metaphorical) was already in the palm of his hand.

Whatever apprehension for that meeting he set aside. He had appearances to keep up, and he put on a cordial smile even as they were crammed into that hallway. He snaps his fingers as they are all seated, "an eventful and productive day, if I do say so myself. We can now add Andaisin to the list of people who doubtlessly want to kill us, but so long as the Queen still sits on the throne our fortunes will be buoyed," he picks up his glass to toast, very specifically looking at Aliani, "to the long and prosperous reign of Queen Ileosa Arabasti. May she and her favored champions protect Korvosa from murderers, monsters, and morbid corpse-humpers,"

Spoiler: OOC

I'm worried about the GM screwing me out of crafting time, or screw me generally. Dalen's priorities and Darvin's priorities aren't necessarily the same thing, and I'm more than happy to snap at plot hooks you throw his way.