Taking a look through the Compendium in my sig, this is what I found.

Baphomet's Skinwalker looks like it can do exactly what you want, save for it not being a druid.

Morto_Ra's Skinchanger can do a limited version of what you're asking for - one of it's subclasses grants an animal companion and the main class grants shapeshifting.

Any of the classes from the section below focus on turning into one specific form. Most of them lack any ability to summon creatures. It is worth noting, however, that theVoidWatches' version does gain the ability to command beasts at 18th level.


If you want druid-specific variants, here are a few subclasses that might fit what you're looking for.

These two give animal companions:
Circle of the Beast by Yakk
Druid Archetype: Natures Ally; Putting the companion back in animal companion by AmbientRaven

And this one focuses on summoning:
Druid Archetype: Circle of the Wild Hunt by ASchmidt