The woman takes a deep sigh, and then finally says, "Very well. I guess one of us has to step forward and show some trust." She grits her teeth and swallows hard, her eyes focused on Marcella. "Boss Half Face and the Sabay had some sort of a meeting with a wealthy stranger. He was maybe an uphiver, but he and his lackies were dressed and spoke so strangely, they may have been from off world. The man was delivering these... xenos weapons to Half Face," she says, speaking flatly as if recalling from memory. "But the deal was interrupted by an assault from The Tora. I don't know if they were hoping to steal the weapons, or stop the trade, or what. The offworlder and his soldiers were all killed. I and a few of other Raptore scouts were able to sneak in during the fight and steal the weapons while the Sabay and Tora were busy killing each other. I think Half Face and Ezruth still believe the other has the weapons." She pauses for a moment before adding reluctantly, "My name is Sola, by the way."