Luis sits up. "See, that wasn't so hard! You know that the Sky-Father, he who guides men through the great storm, the Ice-Breaker who fights the eternal winters... you know that he doesn't like his children messin' with xeno stuff. I was once like you, gettin' in trouble messing with stuff that I shouldn't, and the Sky Father led me to a man who helped me learn the error of my ways. That man is very wealthy, and very powerful, and when he heard that people were messin' with xeno stuff down here, he asked us to go and put a stop to it. So. Here we are. You stole those weapons fair and square, but if you try and use them, the men of Mars aren't going to be happy. And when they ain't happy, well, they make sure nobody else is happy. So the question is, what are you gonna do with the stuff you got? We can take them off your hands, dispose of them proper-like, and in reward..." he shrugs. "What would you like in return?"