[All I Want For Thanksmas Is You]

The simple explanation is that the brownie had instructed the redcaps not to hurt anyone, just to scare them away. Really, if he had wanted to scare people away he should have hired a boogie instead. Get some real Scooby Dhoo stuff going on.

That's all in the past, though. NOW our heroes need to deal with this catastrophic crazed kobold caper!

"Messing up the season?" the kobold retorts, looking increasingly unhinged. "MESSING UP THE SEASON!? This season is ALREADY messed up! It's supposed to be about thankfulness and generosity! Instead it's about greed and selfishness and tramping the poor people who have to WORK during this hell on earth!"

Yeah he definitely seems crazy.

"I'll make everyone understand how MISERABLE this season has become! They'll all get to listen to that awful song until they realize just how sick the Thanksmas season is! I'll MAKE them change it!"

This probably isn't the best way to teach people the true meaning of Thanksmas.

But then again the kobold looks pretty unhinged.