Yeah, I'm with Foxhound on this one, this is really bad design.

The Land beast has a 40 ft speed and 40 ft climb, and a charge, so they can move 20 ft, hit and deal and extra 1d6 damage with a chance of prone. That means is can deal 1d8+1d6+2+PB every turn is can move.

The Sea beast has a 60 ft swim, 5 ft move, can breath underwater and has a 1d6+2+PB attack with grapple, action to escape.

So, if an enemy is 20 ft away on land... the land beast moves up and hits them and does let's say average of 13 damage, and knocks them prone. The sea beast... dashes for two turns, and attacks on the 3rd turn. It will never catch the enemy on land if that enemy moves even a little bit.

Sea beast is utterly useless on land. But what about the reverse?

The enemy is 20 ft away in water. The land beast swims up to 20 ft, hits for an average of 13 damage, and knocks them prone (if that applies in water) They would not have disadvantage on the attack most likely, because I do not believe that those rules apply to natural attacks, only to weapon attacks. The Sea beast swims up, hits for 8.5 damage and grapples. Granted, is the swimming enemy is more than 20 ft away, then the land beast will need to take extra turns, but we set both distances the same, and increasing the sea enemy distance means making the sea beast even more useless on land.

So, let us look at a few other scenarios.

We are on a boat, enemies attack. If the enemies climb up the boat, the Sea beast is on land. If we put the beast in the water... it is by itself against the entire enemy force.

Let us say we start fighting in the water, but need to climb back up the boat? The Sea beast literally has to dash to climb 5ft up the side of the boat. Meaning in a decent sized vessel that is say 10 ft from sea to deck, requires two turns of dashing for the Sea beast to climb back onto the deck.

Go underwater in a lake, and find a cave? Sea beast becomes useless the moment you hit the ground inside the cave, which is probably where most of the action is happening.

The only time it is useful is if the party is underwater, fighting at a medium distance, for the entire day or adventure. And even then, the Land Beast is doing decent underwater. With a casting of longstrider it can move 25 ft underwater per turn. More than most of your party members, and it hits harder.

So.. yeah, the Sea beast is worthless as written. My solution? Give it a land speed of 20 ft. Just like some of the gators, frogs, and lizards in the book. Then it is superior in the water, but not entirely useless outside of it.