Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
"If you weren't so violent, maybe people would be more trusting!"
"Ask your - questions."

The chariot is, upon closer inspection, something much larger that has been folded down into the size and shape of a chariot. It is made of unlikely materials such as polished brass and the sound of the ocean caught in a seashell. It is nominally pulled by birds, which convey it faster than any horse can go. There is always a finely made road in front of it, wherever it goes...for a while.
As soon as an imp touches it, seatbelts sprout from the metal plating and attempt to secure the 'passenger'.
The robed imp gestures at himself. "Me? Violent? Bah! I am the paragon of peace!" He declares with a dramatic air gesture. "But yes, the questions!" The imp clears his voice and looks back towards the woman who have just standing there silently all this time.


"The questions." He repeats pointetly and this time another imp carrying a tiny tome comes flying out of the woman and essentially collapses next to the imp boss who plucks it out of its hands and flips it open. "Let's see..." He remarks while turning back to the fey cat.

"First of all, do you have a name, or at least something I can call you? Would be mighty convenient." He points at the cat. "Second question, which is connected to the first one, do you belong to a group of fey and if so, what are they called and what ties them together?"