
Fido is grabbed.

The wendigo holds him up to her face and sniffs him a few times with her bright pink glowing nose.

And then?

She holds him up where he'll be able to sit on her shoulders and hold onto her antlers for support. The monster makes some awful bestial noises that sound like they're trying to be words, but they're impossible to make out. This close Magdalene is incredibly cold. But really, it just feels like the chill radiating off her is mostly canceling out the sweltering heat of the summertime forest.


It could be worse?

Magdalene begins climbing higher, sinking her claws into the endless branching and scaling sheer trunks with ease. She's making quite a bit better time now that she doesn't have to worry about Fido stumbling around. Though... judging from the fact that her ears are laying flat she's probably upset at him. Or at least that seems to be the impression he'll get if he knows the least bit about animal body language.

Somehow, impossibly, the forest just keeps getting hotter and wetter the higher they climb. Soon the temperature difference between Magdalene and the surrounding woods are so great that the air begins wavering around her like a mirage.