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Thread: "Meta Maneuver" feats

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default "Meta Maneuver" feats

    Magic -- both arcane and divine -- has them. Psionics has them. I think Incarnum might have them too but I never really looked at Incarnum. So anyway, why shouldn't martial adepts have them?

    I think that, if properly implimented, they might well narrow the gap between spell-casters and martial adept classes (if anyone thinks ToB classes are on par with Wizards take a look at their spell list and be disillusioned. Time Stands Still vs. Time Stop eh?). With this in mind, I set myself to creating some sort of concept for "meta-maneuver" feats. Well, this is what I came up with.
    Old Version:

    Martial Augments
    A [Martial Augment] feat allows you to augment your maneuvers and stances in some way. Rather than a direct augmentation (such as Maximizing damage), most of these feats allow you to initiate boosts as free actions, initiate two strikes in a row, and so forth.
    [Martial Augment] feats expend additional maneuvers besides those they augment due to the toll they take upon the initiator. Treat maneuvers expended this way as if they were initiated, except that you do not also gain the benefits of the maneuvers. Note that you are limited to expending 1 maneuver per 4 initiator levels per round when using [Martial Augment] feats.
    Many [Martial Augment] feats require a skill check to be made or for you to be in a certain stance they are are connected to a certain discipline. Unless noted otherwise, skill checks made as a part of [Martial Augment] feats require no action.

    Crusaders may expend their withheld maneuvers and thus may be granted maneuvers that are already expended. If you are granted a maneuver you have already expended you do not gain a maneuver to replace it -- in effect, you gain nothing.

    Extra Augments [General]
    You gain augment points with which you may freely augment your maneuvers.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 4th, One Martial Augment feat, (Int, Wis, or Cha 15).
    Benefit: When you pick this feat you gain your highest mental ability score modifier in augment points. These points may be sacrificed instead of martial maneuvers to use Martial Augment feats. These points, however, are not maneuvers. You cannot initiate them nor can they be recovered through methods that recover maneuvers. Instead, all are automatically recovered by meditating for 1d4 hours (roll for all augment points together).

    Augment Mastery [Genera]
    You may invest more maneuvers in Martial Augments/.
    Prerequisites: One Martial Augment feat, Wis 13, Initiator level 12th.
    Benefit: You are limited to expending one third of your initiator level in maneuvers per round to power your Martial Augment feats.
    Normal: You are limited to expending one quarter of your initiator level in maneuvers per round to power your Martial Augment feats.

    Instant Boost [Martial Augment]
    You may instantaneously initiate a boost with but the slightest bit of concentration.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 8th, one Diamond Mind stance, Concentration 12, Two Diamond Mind maneuvers.
    Benefit: While in a Diamond Mind stance you may make a Concentration check to initiate a boost as a free action. The Difficulty Class of this Concentration check is 20 + the boost's level. If this check is a failure you initiate the boost as a swift action and lose one of your other readied maneuvers. If this check is a success you initiate the boost as a free action and lose 3 of your other readied maneuvers. You may use this feat to initiate only one boost per round as a free action.
    Normal: Boosts require a swift action to initiate.

    Immediate Boost [Martial Augment]

    You may ready a boost and initiate it as an immediate action.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 8th, one Diamond Mind stance, Concentration 12, Two Diamond Mind maneuvers.
    Benefit: While in a Diamond Mind stance you may choose one boost as a free action during your turn. You may initiate this boost as an immediate action by making a Concentration check (DC 20 + the boost's level) at any time after the end of your current turn until the beginning of your next turn. Successfully initiating a boost as an immediate action expends two additional maneuvers.
    A boost with the duration of '1 round' initiated while it is not your turn lasts until the end of your next turn. A boost with the duration of 'End of turn' lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

    Intensify Inferno [Martial Augment]
    You may intensify the fires you create.
    Prerequisites: Three Desert Wind maneuvers, Initiator level 6th.
    Benefit: You may take a free action to intensify the fire damage you deal for 1 round. In order to do so you must expend one of your readied maneuvers. For the rest of the round, whenever you deal fire damage the fire damage ignores fire resistance and immunity. This feat does not effect fire damage from spells.

    Stance Duality [Martial Augment]
    You may exist in two different stances concurrently at the expenditure of some of your abilities.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 9th, Martial Lore 12, Two Maneuvers.
    Benefit: When you enter a stance you can take a free action to enter an additional stance. Every round Stance Duality is active you must make a Martial Lore check to maintain both stances (DC 15 + level of both stances). A successful check allows you to gain the benefits of both stances and expends two of your readied maneuvers. A failed check allows you to gain the benefits of only one stance and expends one of your readied maneuvers.
    At the beginning of a turn you may choose not to make a Martial Lore check and thus exit one of your stances without taking an action and without expending maneuvers.
    Normal: Normally (unless you have the Dual Stance ability of the Warblade or Master of Nine) you can only be in one stance at a time.

    Double Strike [Martial Augment]
    Your mastery of battle has taught you how to merge two different combat maneuvers into a single one.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 12th, one stance, Two maneuvers, Martial Lore 15.
    Benefit: While in any martial stance you may take a full round action to initiate one of your strikes. The strike must require a standard action to initiate. While initiating this strike you may initiate an additional strike that requires a standard action to initiate (the two strikes are initiated together so that one does not effect the other) by making a skill check at the difficulty class of 20 + the level of both strikes. The skill involved is the highest level strike's discipline skill. If this check is successful you initiate the second maneuver as intended and expend 4 additional maneuvers. If this check fails you fail to initiate the second maneuver and expend 1 additional maneuver.

    Rushing Mountain [Martial Augment]
    You may rush at a foe and initiate a strike.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 8th, one Stone Dragon stance, Two Stone Dragon maneuvers.
    Benefit: While in a Stone Dragon stance you can take a full round action to charge an enemy and, instead of making a melee attack against the target, initiate a strike. The strike must require a standard action to initiate and must involve at least one melee attack. One of the strike's targets must be the enemy you charge at. If the maneuver involves more than one melee attack you may direct this second attack at an additional enemy if you wish. You gain the effects of the charge against all the enemies you strike as a part of the initiated maneuver.

    Volcanic Synergy [Martial Augment]
    you can channel the energies of the desert into strikes of other disciplines.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 8th, one Desert Wind stance, Two Desert Wind maneuvers.
    Benefit: While in a Desert Wind stance you may initiate a strike with the initiation time of a standard action, one that requires a single melee attack, and one that has a single target. If the strike hits you may make a Tumble check (DC 20 + the level of the initiated strike). On success you deal 1d6 points of fire damage per level of the initiated strike in a 5-foot burst and expend 2 of your readied maneuvers. If the check fails you deal 1d4 points of extra fire damage to the target of the strike and lose one of your readied maneuvers.

    Joint Maneuver [Martial Augment]
    You can communicate a maneuver to an ally while initiating it.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 12th, White Raven stance, Two White Raven maneuvers.
    Benefit: While in a White Raven stance you may initiate a maneuver and allow one ally within 10 feet to initiate the same maneuver against the same target (unless the target is personal, in which case the ally initiates the maneuver on himself). This is done by making a Diplomacy check (DC 20 + twice the maneuver's level). If this check is successful the ally initiates the maneuver as an immediate action (treat his initiator level as his hit dice) and you expend 4 additional maneuvers. If the check fails the ally wastes an immediate action but does not initiate the maneuver. You initiate the maneuver as normal, however, and also expend an additional maneuver.
    If your ally's hit dice are less than the initiator level required to access the maneuver or if the ally cannot detect you you automatically fail the Diplomacy check.

    Well, what do you think? Obviously, there should be more Martial Augment feats but currently I just want an opinion about the concept.

    Edited feats in general... added some skill use, some new feats.

    Removed 4 round recovery restriction (reason: I thought it was too steep -- practically makes you lose your maneuvers for the rest of the encounter, almost. Maybe I should make it a 1d4 round recovery restriction and have a feat that will lower it by -1?)

    Wording... also, Joint Maneuver.

    Augment Points
    Every character with initiator levels gains half her initiator level in Augment Points. These points may be expended to power [Martial Augment] feats – feats that allow you to use advanced forms of your maneuvers. A character can regain her Augment Points by meditating for 5 minutes.

    Martial Augment feats

    The aforementioned [Martial Augment] feats may also require a Martial Lore check that tests your familiarity with the advanced form in question. If you succeed on this check you may initiate the maneuver in its augmented state, paying the standard Augment Point cost. If you fail the check you fail to initiate as intended, though you may perform some other action (as written in the description of the Martial Augment feat).
    You do not expend augment points for failing a Martial Lore check as a part of using a Martial Augment feat unless its description explicitly states otherwise.

    Master of Martial Lore [Martial Augment]
    You gain additional Augment Points.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 6th, Martial Lore 9, two Maneuvers.
    Benefit: You gain a number of Augment Points that equals your highest mental ability score modifier.

    Dual Stance [Martial Augment]
    You can enter an additional stance.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 6th, Martial Lore 9, two Maneuvers.
    Benefit: When entering a stance you can take a free action to enter an additional stance, thus allowing you to be in two or more stances at the same time. Every round this ability is active you must make a Martial Lore check (DC 20 + level of both stances). If you succeed you gain the benefits of both stances and pay the Augment Point cost. Otherwise, you gain the benefit of only one stance of your choice.
    Normal: You can enter only one stance unless you have the Dual Stance ability of the Master of Nine or Warblade. In addition, entering a stance requires a swift action.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 3 Augment Points.
    This feat stacks with other abilities that allow you to enter more than one stance.

    Instant Boost [Martial Augment]
    You can instantly initiate a boost.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 6th, Martial Lore 9, two maneuvers.
    Benefit: Once per round you may attempt to initiate one of your boosts as a free action. This requires a Martial Lore check with the difficulty class of 20 + twice the level of the boost.
    Normal: Initiating a boost requires a swift action.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 3 Augment Points.

    Ready Boost [Martial Augment]
    You can prepare a boost ahead of time.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 6th, Martial Lore 9, two maneuvers.
    Benefit: Once per round you can take a free action to designate one of your boosts and make a Martial Lore check (DC 20 + twice the boost's level). If this check is successful you may initiate the boost at any time before the beginning of your next turn as an immediate action as if it was a Counter and in doing so pay the Augment Point cost.
    Normal: Initiating a boost requires a swift action.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 2 Augment Points.

    Extend Boost [Martial Augment]
    You can double the duration of one of your boosts.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 6th, Martial Lore 9, two maneuvers.
    Benefit: By making a Martial Lore check while initiating a boost you may attempt to double its duration, but only of it is 1 round. The difficulty class of the check is 20 + twice the level of the boost.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 3 Augment Points.

    Boost Companion [Martial Augment]
    You can affect an ally with one of your boosts.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 6th, Martial Lore 9, two maneuvers.
    Benefit: When initiating a boost with the target of 'self' you can make a Martial Lore check (DC 20 + twice the level of the boost) to effect an ally within 5 feet/4 initiator levels with the boost instead of yourself. If the boost requires some sort of choice to be made (for example, Shadow Blink requires the initiator to choose which square to teleport to) it is made by the new target of the boost.
    Normal: Boosts with the target of 'self' can effect only yourself when initiated.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 3 Augment Points.

    Double Strike [Martial Augment]
    You can initiate two strikes in a row.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 9th, Martial Lore 12, three maneuvers.
    Benefit: As a full round action you may initiate two strikes, both of which must have the initiation time of one standard action. The strikes are initiated together so that one does not affect the other. This ability requires a Martial Lore check (DC 20 + the level of both strikes).
    If you fail you initiate only one strike of your choice as a part of the full round action. The other strike is not expended, however.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 4 Augment Points.

    Resounding Dragon Hammer [Martial Augment]
    You can create powerful, destructive shockwaves with your Stone Dragon strikes.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 9th, two Stone Dragon maneuvers, one Stone Dragon stance, Martial Lore 12, Balance 12.
    Benefit: While in a Stone Dragon stance and initiating a strike you can create a powerful shockwave by making a Martial Lore check (DC 20 + twice the strike's level). This wave can deal damage in one of the following forms (your choice), centered on the first creature to take damage from the strike (if any).

    Area                                    Damage (Sonic)
    5 foot Burst                    1d6 per level of the strike
    10-foot Burst                  1d6 per two levels of the strike
    20-foot Burst                  1d6 per three levels of the strike

    Creatures caught in the burst effect can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + strike's level + your Strength modifier) to take half damage.
    At any rate, any creature in a Stone Dragon stance does not suffer any damage from this effect.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 5 Augment Points.

    Inspire Maneuver [Martial Augment]
    You can allow an ally to initiate the maneuver you initiate.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 9th, two White Raven maneuvers, one White Raven stance, Martial Lore 12, Diplomacy 12.
    Benefit: Once per round when initiating a maneuver while in a White Raven stance you can make a Martial Lore check (DC 20 + twice the level of the maneuver) to temporarily 'teach' the maneuver to one ally within 10 feet. The ally gains a readied version of the maneuver for 1 round if the check is successful. If the ally already has the maneuver readied, however, he does not gain the ability to use it again. Treat the maneuver's initiator level as if it was equal to the creature's Hit Dice.
    A maneuver granted this way cannot be used to fulfill prerequisites and cannot be augmented through Martial Augment feats.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 5 Augment Points.

    Steel Master's Assault [Martial Augment]
    You can exchange your normal attacks for martial strikes.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 9th, two Iron Heart maneuvers, one Iron Heart stance, Martial Lore 12, Balance 12.
    Benefit: Once a round while in an Iron Heart stance you can attempt to initiate a strike that normally requires a standard action and involves an attack roll as an attack action so that it can be made whenever you would normally be allowed to make a melee attack. To initiate the strike you must make a Martial Lore check with the difficulty class of 20 + twice the strike's level. If you fail the strike fails as well (it is not expended), though you still waste an attack action.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 4 Augment Points.

    Volcanic Synergy [Martial Augment]
    You can create powerful infernos through the use of martial strikes.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 9th, two Desert Wind maneuvers, on Desert Wind stance, Martial Lore 12, Tumble 12.
    Benefit: When initiating a strike while in a Desert Wind stance you can make a Martial Lore check (DC 20 + twice the level of the maneuver) to create a 15-foot cone or 30-foot line of fire that starts from your square, with the first target of the strike as a part of its area (otherwise, you can decide where to aim the cone). The cone or line deals 1d8 points of fire damage per level of the initiated strike, though creatures can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + the strike's level + your Dexterity modifier) to take half damage.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 4 Augment Points.

    Focused Mind [Martial Augment]
    You are constantly under the effects of a boost, though they are hidden from others.
    Prerequisites: Initiator level 12th, Martial Lore 15, two Diamond Mind maneuvers, one Diamond Mind stance.
    Benefit: You may take a minute to prepare your mind and body to your next encounter, allowing you to start it with one boost already initiated. If you are in a Diamond Mind stance, at the start of the encounter, before rolling initiative (in fact, before anyone has acted yet) make a Martial Lore check (DC 20 + twice the maneuver's level). If this check is a success treat the boost as active until the end of your next turn, as long as it has a duration. If it does not have a duration this ability does nothing.
    Normal: Initiating a boost requires a swift action, and thus is not usable until your first action.
    Special: This Martial Augment costs 6 Augment Points.

    Last edited by IonizedChicken; 2007-05-04 at 07:28 AM. Reason: Changed lots of stuff.
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