Late Lamashan, 4710 AR...

During this time, there was a revolt of a separatist group of natives who use more terrorist-style tactics than attempting peaceful interactions with colonists. They are called the Freemen insurgents who killed people at a whaling company before they were beaten and their leader killed by Aron, her sister, and their friends in the Sargavan Faction. They tried to peacefully de-escalate, but it was to no avail. Because of the Freemen's harsh methods, even against their own, none of the colonists that stopped the insurgency were blamed by more moderate locals (who have made far more inroads with diplomacy).

This could be written off it weren't for the fact that all five factions were wanting to court The Tempest - a local hermit - for his expertise. As a Bonuwat (ethnicity of Mwangi, tending towards seafaring and living along the coasts) Gozran who had traveled out west as a younger man, all were trying to curry his favor, but because of the Sargavan Faction's actions in stopping the excess bloodshed of the Freeman's Revolt, The Tempest offered them an audience. Even though Aron helped put down the revolt, she was the only non-Sargavan Faction member, so she was not invited. This cemented Aronnahar's decision to leave her sister with Stephan Brauer and redouble her loyalty with the Pathfinders.

Erin did tell her sister what happened, though. Something to do with gathering a rare feather from a nest, and then The Tempest performed some Gozran ritual wherein the party learned of their totem animals. The Tempest decided to go with the Sargavan Faction to find Tazion as an "outside consultant." There are rumors that two other factions attempted assassinations against him to deny Sargava their new resource in The Tempest's knowledge.

Finally, on Moonday, 25 Lamashan 4710 AR, the Pathfinder Society vanguard left Eleder, the capital of the former Chelish colony of Sargava.