




Wandering off into the void is at least as bad as wandering off into the forest.

The cathedral is seems to be floating about eight feet off the ground, twisted at a strange angle. As Fido reaches for it he'll feel a sudden wrenching sensation as the definition of down shifts. Before down was toward the center of the stone? sphere he's been walking on. Now 'down' is toward the ornate wooden doors of the cathedral. The lad will find himself suddenly falling 'upward' into the door, which will bang with the impact. He's now standing on the facade of the building, but it is different. Warped. Slowly folding in on itself to create another drifting sphere in the darkness, that horrible purple light slowly eating its way across it. Hexagonal pillars of stone begin jutting out of a far distant sphere, slowly crunching their way toward the cathedral sphere.

He could open the door, though now it's more of a trap door on the 'floor' than it is a more traditional door. Fido can hear voices inside the cathedral/tiny planet, but they sound eerie and distorted. A tremor ripples through the ground as the spire of the cathedral suddenly lurches upright, replicating discordantly into a fractal bridge of mirrored steeples throbbing with violet light as they grow toward still another planet drifting through the void.