R2T17: Flair tries to wriggle out from under Maeni, pulling at his restraints, still making as much as a ruckus as he can. He realizes soon that trying to get out of everything is pointless, so focuses on what matters, getting help. With Maeni so close to him, pinning him, Flair presses his cheek against hers in a side profile, opening his mouth as widely as he can. He uses her own cheekbone as a form of anchor to help him peel back the gag. He then screams out, "Help! She's gonna' kill me! Help! AHHHHHHHH!"

Everybody hears that!

R2T16: Okay, Jens, there is definitely something going on in Flair and Maeni's room. What do you do?

Maeni on deck, Brother Jaume (freshly woken) in the hole ...