
Fido manages to find a decent sized polished bronze candle holder that could really be used to whollop something in a pinch. It hasn't been distorted and shattered yet so that's probably a good thing, right?

Moving toward the altar, he'll find it is a rather astounding work of artistry. The marble altar itself is quite plain, a cloth draped across it and bearing several candles. But what really catches the eye is what's behind it. A monument of stone and wood depicting winged humans overlaid in gold along with visually pleasing vine and leaf motifs. In the center of the monument is a painting of a winged, armored human striking down a devilish looking figure.

Maybe the temple is venerating the warrior figure featured in the painting?

It's hard to say.

That horrid purple light hasn't started devouring this part of the cathedral yet, so it's safe to examine.


Near the altar, hiding behind it, Fido will be able to see a person huddled, still softly weeping. They look like a child, a boy, probably no older than ten.