[Food Table?] Well, near it.

Venus's wool hat falls off.

It reveals two notable things: first, she has deer ears instead of human ears. Second, in her red hair (that she had stuffed under the hat) she has two separate flowers: it has chains of yellow fluffy ball-shaped groups of flowers, and white 5-petaled flowers (and...a couple of those venus flytrap leaves).

"O-oh. Um." Embarrassed about it, Venus raises one of her hands to cover some of it (while pretending she's just brushing her hair back) and holds her other hand out to grab the hat. "It's okay. Thanks."

She tries to quickly put the hat back on to cover it all up, but it's pretty hard considering the flowers and her ears; it was really hard to smoosh her ears under there in a way that was comfortable.

"So...um...hi," Venus says as she still works with putting the hat on and stuffing hair up in it. "Nice to meet you. You come here often?"

Realizing that might be a dumb question, she quickly adds - "I-I mean, um, Happy Thanksmas."