Quote Originally Posted by Riftwolf View Post
Could Serini have left an outsider janitorial staff to run the Dungeon? Like, whatever the True Neutral outsiders are in 3.5?
And if so, can we speculate on their binding oaths?

We will uphold the Defence of the Gate if we want to but its OK because most of the time we will.
Do no Harm. Do no Heal either. Really we'd max at Cure/Inflict Moderate Wounds.
Protect the world from evil and chaos, but only if you were going to do that anyway, if not, it's no bother.
Lofty Ideals and Devious Schemes will be powerless against our Shrugs.
Above all, remember our guiding Creed, 'eh, whatever'
The true neutral outsiders are called rilmani, they "preserve cosmic balance" by going to war with whoever is the most powerful at any given time.