Quote Originally Posted by Naanomi View Post
The best argument for goodness = pacifism in DnD to me is that Elysium (the ultimate plane of Good unadulterated by other influences) leans heavily that direction... but even there we have specifically combative celestials; and every other Upper Planes has very explicit places and entities who crusade against evil (both in the planes and the prime)
Isn't that a little be flawed, to consider any particular "Good" plane to be the purest form of good? It's not like alignment is some form of bounded-in-sum property (where adding law or chaos to good makes you necessarily less good)--I"m sure that the other planes would strongly disagree that Elysium is the "ultimate plane of Good". It's a plane of Good, for people with particular properties including a general, rebuttable reluctance to engage in violence. Solars are as good as it gets, and they're super non-pacifistic. Same with all the angels. They take much more after the "angel of destruction" motif than the "cherub with harp" motif.