Quote Originally Posted by Rogar Demonblud View Post
Content you're sitting on is content that is not making you money while it still costs you money to produce and maintain.
Unfinished content takes time to make and money to make. Sometimes it is cheaper to pay writers money and have them with good products and ready while actors and animators are doing other projects and only redirect the animation studio and voice actors to your show when you have the scripts finalized and you can "film it" all at once.

Of course how you release those 10, 13, 26, 52 episodes is up to you and you should try to make the most money to maximize revenue via keeping the buzz going and extending the subscription time with streaming or advertising time with broadcast and cable. You are not selling just content you are also selling buzz where people are hyped for your content and thus they either maintain their streaming subscriptions or they tune in if its cable or broadcast.


Sorry my brain is thinking about these things due to the Warner Brothers / Movie Films / HBO Max news about movies. Animation has some lucky advantages where it is easier to get things all together and break apart teams compared to live action filming.