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    Default would summoning a lemure qualify you for tainted sorcerer?

    Quote Originally Posted by tainted sorcerer
    Special: Must have learned the basics of taint magic from a tainted sorcerer of at least 4th level, or must have summoned a demon or devil to gain instruction.
    i dont want to use fiendish summoning specialist except as an absolute last resort because it requires dm negotiation.

    anyways summon monster ii summons a lemure. devil. done. i summoned a devil to gain instruction.

    now the problem here is that lemures are explicitly unable to communicate. its in their stat block (mindless) and fluff description.

    Quote Originally Posted by lemure
    Lemures are mindless and cannot communicate, but they are sensitive to telepathic messages from other devils, typically obeying a devil’s mental commands.

    i mean "to gain instruction" can be interpreted as you studying a creature right? if you study a creature, you can get the know how to do something right?
    also if im being pedantic, i just need to summon a devil in an attempt to gain instruction, i dont actually have to gain instruction from the devil do i? the sentence structure, the action i need to perform is summon a devil, and "to gain instruction" is just my reason for something, has absolutely nothing to do with what i need to do right?
    or a third interpretation, simply summoning the devil results in gaining instruction.

    or is this all just me being unreasonable, and i need to grab fiendish summoning specialist and add a mane to sm ii's list?

    has to be smi or smii because smiii is too late for what im trying to do.
    Last edited by newguydude1; 2020-12-07 at 03:23 AM.