Ilpholin would normally cross her arms at having to listen to the nonsense Zee is spewing, but with Nahlrae there, she settles for a sassy hand on hip. "A bad creature can do good things and a good creature can do bad things because that's how inherently spider**** good and evil are. There is no such thing, and you know even if there were, it wouldn't matter. Because empirical evidence shows Lillith clearly hasn't stopped being a demon despite your assertions."

"So either you were fed a cosmology line or you latched onto one because people will look for any reason to excuse and protect those they care about. It's an... understandable mistake, but a mistake nonetheless." Ilpholin frowns. "She could be the acting Saint Pope of GLoG and I would still slit her throat without hesitation. There will always be those who seek to use her demonic powers for their own gain or sire fiends of their own. The plague must be eradicated, every last drop. No more excuses. No more exceptions. You cannot allow attachments to stay your hand."

What happened a minute ago is the perfect example of what not to do! Learn from Ilpholin's lesson and sheathe that sword in the demon's chest next time.

She waves her hand. "Demons are demons. I won't give any a free pass just because they come from some new Nexus world. But you are correct. The demons I am currently focusing my efforts on originated from the blood of their dead god. They are exceptionally vulnerable to dragon bone and such material also protects you from their corruption. I don't know why and unfortunately, all tests I've performed on shapeshifting creatures into dragons and harvesting their bones suggest have failed. It has to be a natural born dragon for some reason, so the material has been... rare. Most shops that claim to have any are selling cheap black market synthetic bone." Though real dragon bones tend to be equally black market. Largely because of how mad the dragons get about it.

"Fortunately, at least, silver is nearly as effective as dragon bone for offensive purposes. It can't cure a contaminated victim, but it can protect the victim from being contaminated in the first place. When used properly. And end the contamination if the victim can't be cured. I don't know if you carry silver weapons, but you should start." It's possible Zee doesn't because her husband's a werewolf and that would be an awkward conversation to have.