Quote Originally Posted by Meowmai View Post
[Admitting to a Falsi-Fi-cation]

Sighing, Elizabeth realised that she might as well come clean. She already knew it was obvious she was lying, and seeing Fidelia raise her eyebrow only confirmed that. And she had let so much of it slip before her hasty 'correction' that the woman definitely what her name was. So why keep lying and raising distrust?

"Okay, so, yeah, Clearly uhh... my actual name is Elizabeth. And clearly I gave that away. Look, I just 'aint used to doing this kinda thing in person, and even though you're helping me out, it err, still didn't feel like a good idea to someone I sorta accidentally stalked.. So, um, sorry for the lie. As for where I gotta head, to be honest I don't even know anymore. I've just been watching some of the slightly more reputable public areas trying to find this woman."

Meowt of Her Element

Oh. Well, that complicates things. Fidelia kind of expected it, but it's still kind of surprising. Skyside was pretty heckin' big, way bigger than kind of places where it was actually feasible to effectively cover all the public areas on your own two feet. Maybe Liz just wasn't used to cities and still needed to wrap her head around a few aspects like that.

"Well uh, you can find people who'll say what they've seen for a coin or two, but maybe narrow your leads down a little first?" A beat. "Like, uh, I dunno tech stuff really, but maybe you could figure out where she visits with her social media, or track her phone?" Fi never really had the means nor the interest to eff around with sites like MagSpace or Warbler, but she'd still managed to learn about the concept of doxxing. Kind of important to know when your roommate* has to worry about zombie hunters tracking her down and bursting through the window at night.