"I don't know. If they're not attacking, be on the lookout, we could be walking into something," she warns.

"Are you well, Mary? Do you need to take a break and ride in the cart?" Ismark asks pointedly to Ireena. The curious question is met at first with silence. A glance back shows Ismark meeting Kellon's gaze, and Ireena performing somatic gestures and murmuring under her hood. A ripple like a pond into which a stone was cast flows across her body, assuming the appearance of Sokol's wife Mary.

"I should be okay," Ireena-as-Mary answers, doing her best to imitate Mary's voice. As the group moves into double file to cross the bridge, Sokol glances over from his spot towards the back with some confusion.

It is not until the group is halfway over the stone bridge that Kellon sees and hears movement ahead, and Father Donavich reports from the rear, "There are wolves on the trail. They are moving for the bridge." Sure enough, Kellon sees similar canine shapes taking up positions at the other end.

"They surrounded us. Kellon, be careful with those thunder spells, I'm not sure this bridge could take it," Gweyir cautions as she draws her sword. Ismark draws steel as well, shifting forward past Gweyir and readying his weapon.

Behind them, Sokol does the same, and Spider crawls up on the stone guards of the bridge.

Spoiler: Combat Logs
Spider readies an action to attack.
Ismark readies an action to attack.
Sokol readies an action to attack.

It is Kellon's turn!

Spoiler: Initiative
Spider - 20
Ismark - 19
Sokol - 18
Kellon - 13
Wolves - 12
Ireena - 8
Sokol - 7
Gweyir - 5