The hammer slams down into it and it falls down upon the stone. The wolves following behind are warded off as Sokol and Spider menace them with blade and fang, the wagon moving up ahead with the path clear, trampling a few of the unconscious wolves in the process.

Gweyir alters the course of her spell, bringing the celestial ray behind them to further warn the wolves away from following. They watch the wagon trundle away with malevolent eyes, before turning and walking calmly back to the south side of the bridge.

"They have given up," Sokol reports, as Spider quickly spins one of the wagon-trampled wolves up into a web cocoon and carries it along as a mobile snack.

"Those ones have. We should push the donkey harder, quicken our pace before something else is sent to hamper us."

Spoiler: Combat Logs
Kellon swings at the wolf, dealing 5 damage and KO.

The following wolves give up the chase, and combat ends.