Falling back next to Ireena, Ismark regains control of the reins and pulls the donkey ahead, moving at a jog. The rest of the group falls in behind, Sokol trailing a bit with his stiff legs and slow pace. Eventually, Ireena's disguise fades as well.

It is a tiring run to the crossroads hamlet of Goul where, true to Strahd's letter, a black carriage with golden filigree in ornate swirls sits awaiting them. In front of it are two black horses with dark grey manes that flicker and swoop like smoke. The windows of the carriage are tinted black. Taking precautions, Ireena renews her disguise as they make their way past the crossroads.

Spoiler: Mechanics
DC 10 Con save vs 1 level of Exhaustion for traveling at a fast pace.