Father Donavich is also huffing and puffing as the group slows down, on approach to the crossroad gates. When they pause briefly to discuss the coach, he leans forwards and sets his hands on his knees for support as he catches his breath. The rest of the group seem fine, including the donkey, and the children of course don't have to worry about walking.

"Strahd will not be taking anyone tonight," Ismark answers back, continuing down the path and keeping a wary eye on the coach. But it shows no signs of movement, or of being occupied at all. The horses huff and look around, plodding their feet idly but otherwise paying no heed to the wagon rolling past.

And nothing makes a move to stop them as they pass through the gates, now overlooking the fields outside Vallaki. The Durst windmill can be seen in the distance, on its hill against the backdrop of the forest.

"So are we visiting the windmill first, or we go and stop in town first?" Sokol asks.