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Thread: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #887
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Curse of Strahd Solo Run (IC)

    "You pick up a thing or two when zombies try to break down your door monthly. Regular exercise and a lack of patience among them," Ireena jests, once they are past the rank barrel of soul refuse and up into the higher floors. She lowers her arm and looks around at the disrepair of the windmill. "I am inclined to agree this place could use tearing down and rebuilding. Much of it has been without maintenance for too long. Would need to replace much of the structure already. Even without its cursed functions."

    At the hag's bed, she kneels down and takes out a piece of chalk to begin scrawling arcane symbols around the blood sigil. "I will let you know what I find out."

    As she works, Kellon is left with ten minutes' free time to look around the mill and its surrounding hill.
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2020-12-14 at 08:29 PM.