Up top, Ireena has dragged the bed away and taken a seat. The chalk circle around the sigil has burned up into little flecks of grey ash. "Welcome back. So, first thing, the sigil. It is a kind of warding rune. If the contained object, the card, is touched without fulfilling its requirements, there will be a very painful response. From my examination, the sigil requires a touch from one of the hags that created it to safely move the card without setting it off."

"As for the card. If you tune yourself to its song, it will grant you the power of suggestion over others, and make you sly in trickery of words. But it will prevent you from speaking the plain truth, only lies and riddles. Strangely..." she pulls out the Innocent card that Kellon gave her. "I felt a curious resonance with my own card. As if when brought together, the Innocent will reverse the 'alignment' of the Temptress. Instead of speak only lies, speak only truths. Instead of trickery, words carry power."

Spoiler: Mechanics
Description of the Temptress' abilities added to the Tarokka card list.