Sunglasses guy agrees to have her go ahead. The carts start moving again.
Labcoat lady almost volunteers to accompany Anchor, but she gets on her unicorn fast enough that the lady loses her chance.
Meanwhile, the tough guy concedes. And then he nods knowingly. Yeah, okay. He taps the side of his head as if to say he understands what kind of opportunity she's making for him.

The robot hasn't been seen for a while. Weird. Must've had to take a bathroom break, or something.

Anchor rides down the road. Eventually, after being she'll come across a tree - it's been cut down. It's pretty large and thick, and blocks almost the whole road. No immediate signs of Zophiel around, but it seems likely that he was the one who cut it down.

However, there are signs that the mime is nearby: the motorcycle can be heard and its lights can be seen shining through the woods, on top of the hill to the right.