Oh boy that's quite the greeting, isn't it.

Not looking UP enough.

That's sufficient to draw Zee's attention, but the creature has already been dispatched by a fusillade of well-placed fire. Which is fine. Zee can focus her attention on other less killy things the all the killing has been dispensed already. She holsters her tonfa and heads straight for the injured man clutching his copiously bleeding face.

Honestly he's fortunate that those claws didn't make it through the bone and carve up his brain meats.

Zee had taken some time to study everyone on the way up. Get a feel for how they're put together just in case they have to be put back together. Which is exactly what she's going to aim to do here.

"Hold still, this will probably sting a little," she warns the injured solider as she reaches out to touch his face, a heavenly glow shrouding her hands in a nimbus of light.


Reform that which is broken and restore that which is lost.