Quote Originally Posted by 5a Violista View Post
Oh no!
Marin must not have been sneaky enough.
She'll have to practice.

After the hug is released, she takes the folded clothes over to the oscilloscope.

"Did they end up finding what caused it? Was it a curse or omen or something? Or was it just overexertion?" Marin asks, walking back. She finds a place to sit nearby. With the col..."Oh! Yes, we can do that. As long as you think you're well enough. It could be that you recovered superficially but still need more time to...build up your stores? of stuff? or something like that. And! If anything happens, this time I actually know which direction the infirmary is."
Honeysuckle is hard to sneak up on. But hopefully Marin will manage it one day.

"Not a curse or omen or virus or overexertion. Maybe a ghost thing? Like, my eyes got confused what should do." She give a sad shrug.

Then Marin gets her to laugh. "Hopefully no infirmary this time. Sit on that chair on the spinny platform, 'n uncover your neck."

The foxgirl's ears flick over towards the door. "'s that an explosion?"