The mime actually doesn't leave his motorcycle. He drives it forward a little so that Anchor isn't in the direct path between him and the tree part.
He presses a button!
Two hookshots shoot out of the front of his motorcycle, and dig into the tree part.

Then, he drives, going between the part of the tree and the other part. However! He slows down enough because he's not going to say anything to her, so he has to get close enough to grab her attention and gesture. He gestures that he's got it taken care of and that she doesn't have to worry about that; it's light enough that his motorcycle can handle it.

After gesturing, he starts to drive through to flip the motorcycle around and pull it in reverse farther down the road.
Feeling suddenly dazed, he judges that it's probably best to not to go quite so fast. Operating heavy machinery while under the influence (of magic) is generally bad. The motorcycle slows to a practical stop and he puts a foot down and a hand against his head in hopes that helps.