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Thread: The Mandalorian Season 2

  1. - Top - End - #676
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2020

    Default Re: The Mandalorian Season 2

    So, meh. The episode and season finale was okay. I felt there was missing gravitas at time. I don't care for the thousand nit-picky crap people point out when they critique a story, but I care about a properly structured story.

    The pacing was a bit of a mess, and I am unsure what could be considered a climax in the episode, and what's a proper resolution. There was no real ticking clock, no real worry. The fights felt like a series of unidirectional stomping where one side crush the other, and it went back and forth a few times instead of having any real struggle on display, with the exception of Mando's solo fights. These were interesting.

    Edit : also I felt the two deepfakes at the end were a mixed bag. One was clearly CGI, but the other was fantastic. I really felt the original actor was in his role when he talked to Grogoo
    Last edited by Cikomyr2; 2020-12-19 at 10:28 PM.