Malleus spirals down to ground with Zeno in tow. In order to better fit into the current time and place, Zeno focuses, and becomes an elegant older woman in well tailored riding clothes, and now looks much more distinguished, more respectable, and much, much more opaque. She dismounts Malleus and looks over at her companions.

"This looks like a great opportunity to inform, well, some member of the mucky-mucks. Shall we?"

Unless there's an objection, Zeno does a reasonable job of simulating walking toward the carriage. She is careful to keep her hands visible, and she looked unarmed, so hopefully, the guards won't be concerned.

As they approach, Zeno sends to Sir Robert.

*Sir Robert? It's Zeno, from the Academy yesterday. We bring news from the village that you sent us to investigate. I'm not sure who's in the coach. Would this be a good opportunity share our findings?*