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Thread: Worst Tabletop RPG

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Worst Tabletop RPG

    Quote Originally Posted by Satinavian View Post
    There are a lot of markets out there where D&D never got such a dominant position. Mostly because it was translated too late. Som have another dominent systems, some have several popular ones without one relly in the lead.

    Those markets still have thriving RPG communities that work well. Turns out you really don't need D&D as common language or to get people started.
    No, but you do need *a* common language.
    You yourself said it: when there is no D&D, there is some other dominant game, or at most a limited number of dominant games. I do not argue for D&D specifically, i'm saying that the rise of a dominant game, or few dominant games, is unavoidable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Belac93 View Post
    The Indie community *is* like this. People play a bunch of different games, sometimes even with the designers of those games, and it *rocks.*
    and yet, the indie community lacks players for anything specific. the community for a game is made of 30 people worldwide. I speak from experience, having been part of some such community. And yes, some of it is nice, but at the same time it's missing several advantages of a larger community
    If you're used to D&D you're used to games that are 600+ enormous pages long just to be able to get a sense of the system.
    what? are we even playing the same game?
    I can introduce new players with 30 minutes of exxplanations if they never played rpg. this cuts to 5-10 minutes if they have rpg experience. you don't need to memorize the spell list to be able to play.

    And I m sure those games that have 1 page of rules are much more freeform. some people like them, some people don't. I, personally, don't like stuff to be too much of a game of "DM may I?". Technically, everything you do in rpg is DM may I, but you can have at least some framework. I do like that, if I want to go deep, I do have access to thousands of pages of content. it's what kept me from getting bored of the system.
    Last edited by King of Nowhere; 2020-12-27 at 11:14 AM.
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