I note that we still have Roy listed as having Endurance, due to sleeping in armor without getting fatigued, but this is neither RAW nor (I think) RAI for heavy armor, which Roy has been established as wearing several times now (panel 9 and panel 2), and his armor has not changed in appearance sufficiently to suggest he's upgraded from medium to heavy armor between 162 and 249. May I suggest a Restful Crystal (MIC) instead, which works for heavy armor?

Also, researching this point has alerted me to an issue in strip 5 where Roy carries Durkon so they can run faster, but if Roy is in heavy armor, they both have base movement speed of 20. Does this mean Roy has the Run feat, or is there another RAW solution? Conveniently, I've just freed up a feat slot for this sup-par feat by eliminating the need for another! I'm assuming Roy has a STR of at least 20, and possibly 22, by this point (rolled an 18, increased at levels 4 and 8, possible Manual of Gainful Exercise), so I don't think carrying Durkon and his armor and other gear would have caused additional encumbrance problems.