So. X-Com, X-Com 2, Phantom Doctrine, BattleTech and I frickin bet Phoenix Point, the vast majority of modern RPGs and every other game with an emphasis on character customisation et al... Can I have a word?

Can you all just stop restricting the skin colours to human ones, please?

I want to have access to the entire spectrum, not just dull human-colours. I can't beleive you need to do the graphics for every single shade on evey prop, since I could blummin' well pick green or blue in Baldur's Gate. And now, you can drop the "but immersion" angle, guys, you so often have enough stupid props to put on your characters (yes, pumpkin with glowing eyes Phantom Doctrine, looking at you) that don't make ANY sense in-universe. And ESPECIALLY when it's trivial to mod in portraits or they don't even exist or something. Stop making me play human-coloured things, dammit.

(It's bad enough only a HANDUL of games let me play a skeleton, and I don't think ANY game EVER has let me do that and pick a colour for the bones.)