Thanks for taking over Debatra, much appreciated.

  • Large Undead (with reach)
  • 26 RHD - ouch! (d12 HD, 1 good save, poor BAB, 4 skill points/"level")
  • Speed 30 ft, fly 50 ft (poor): not bad, but everyone should be able to fly at this level of play.
  • +13 natural AC, Cha bonus as deflection to AC: not bad.
  • 2 claws 2d6, 2 wing slams 1d6.
  • Rotting aura: 15 foot aura that requires a Ref save to avoid 5d6 damage (and heals the creature for 5), and a Fort save to avoid being nauseated for 1 round. Not bad, and always on.
  • Rotting touch: rider effect if you hit with more than one natural weapon - 1d6+6 damage to the opponent, and you heal 5. Like most of its abilities, OK, but not at this level of play.
  • DR 10/adamantine and magic: not bad.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • SR 24: not very impressive at this level of play.
  • Undead traits: usual immunities and drawbacks.
  • Unholy grace: Cha bonus to AC and saves. Not bad. Would have been nicer if you got your Cha bonus to hp per HD.
  • Str +26, Dex +4, Con --, Int +10, Wis +10, Cha +8: net +58, with one non-ability. Would be much more impressive if you weren't starting at epic levels.
  • OK-ish racial skill list.

Large humanoid in form, has hands and can speak - so no real issues there.

This is a pretty straightforward melee bruiser type. Only issue is this 26 HD. This might make for an OK CR 15 encounter (although even there I suspect it would get curb stomped by the average ECL 15 party of four).

Easy LA -0 due to sheer number of HD. You will not be a viable epic character, I'm afraid. If you halved the number of HD, or thereabouts, would be interesting.