Central Food Processing
The massive industrial kitchens provide cheap and filling food for the lower-deck crew. The mutineers have already passed through here; the staff has fled and most of the prepared food has been destroyed or spoiled, scattered around on the floor. Kais and Jag-Reg lead a small force of well armed loyalists through the kitchens, pulling out crew from their hiding-holes and sending them towards the armory for organization into patrols. Hearing noise from down below, the force heads down to the spirit rooms below. Climbing down a stairwell, Jag-reg and Kais peer out and see that the massive fermentation tanks have been breached, and the entire room is covered in a stinking alcoholic sludge. Further on, a riotous mob of crewmen are drunkenly staggering around the vats where the finished alcohol is stored. There are a few bodies here and there, crewmen fighting with each other, arguing, laughing, ****ing... all order has broken down... for now they don't notice the new guests, and if they did, would they even care?

They don't seem to be Nadueshi or pirates... just common voidsmen out of control and not following orders... you could try to bring them back into order, and send them into the fray, but they may not appreciate it...

Spinal Railway Station
Father Answin and Rendara and a few armsmen head down the lifts. They go down, down, nearly a kilometer, towards the aft terminus of the spinal railway. This station serves the enginarium, and is well guarded by twitchy Skitarii and expressionless battle-servitors. The station master shows up, nearly in tears, weeping over the damage and destruction to his precious trains. By the time Ermengarde and her fanatics arrive (having to climb down nearly 500m from the cathedral to the train station) the station-master has one of his precious trains back on the tracks and pointed fore-wards. The zealots, armed with mono-axes and pistols wave their weapons and shout prayers as they climb aboard the middle three cars of the train. Father Answin and Ermengarde and a few armsmen take the front car, and Rendara and her bodyguards and assistants take the rear car. As the train starts heading out into the dark tunnels, Palaestra says, "Why did you set the immaterium roiling? I sensed when you did it... but not the why of it..."

The train zips forward past the next few stations. Administration... Central Lifts... Promenade... Martial Field... as it approaches Gunner's Crossing, the driver slows the train down. "Fire on the tracks," he says. "Need to be careful..."

Gunner's Crossing
Xantha watches as the prisoners slowly cut through their bonds. One of the crew, an ill-looking brute of a man, picks up the boltgun and nods. He taps his forearm, where there is an unrecognizable tattoo. It probably means something, but now is not the time. However, the inevitable happens. One of the mutineers notices something, and yells out. They draw axes and a few guns and charge towards the prisoners.

They don't see Xantha at the moment, so she can always slink away...