"What? No, my name is Neosight. The only being I know of that sounds similar to that name is my former comrade, Psycho-Might. Its a long story, but basically we were both students of the same hero, I was a pure telepath, she was a pure telekinetic. Differences....accrued until she snapped in jealousy and killed our mentor, I had to concoct a plan to get out of my universe since I couldn't face her directly and well...its how I ended up here pretty much. I'm guessing your referring to some villainous alternate version of myself."
She makes the standard thinking pose of putting her hand over her chin.
"Sigh....why is it always the smart masterminds that end up the villain? Civilization is built not on force but on planning and the willingness to explore new ideas. Our minds are our greatest tool to help solve our problems. Sad to see that some turn it to darker ends. Apparently even, an alternate self. Hmm...I probably don't want too many details but can you tell me whether I fell more towards a selfish villain psychological profile or a selfless extremist villain profile, it would help inform the contingency plans I should write up for my own universe to give to other heroes in case I ever fall myself and maybe this group as well if we work together long enough. The two kinds of villain are very different in goals and motivation after all and while given my current mindset I'd probably tend towards breaking in a selfless extremist direction there is always the possibility of psychological break where one instead decides to stop caring to indulge their own desires at the expense of others in response to an unfair, cruel world.

However another contingency worth writing up would be the possibility of Psychosight deciding to hop universes and take their chances on other Earths in which case they might either try to eliminate or recruit me, as they, knowing my own mind better than anyone would know all the desires they could tempt me with, in which case I'll have to make sure I can resist whatever I offer myself and be prepared to match wits with my own counterpart in whatever scheme they'd be trying to pull, but the question is what scenario would I if I was evil decide to do all that in the first place? What would I be after? Questions for later.

I apologize. I was rambling. Hm, maybe thats where some villains get their monologuing tendencies for you all, I admit there are many superheroes and villains in my world and I don't really know all of them. I'll try to remember if I've seen a version of you among them as my precognitive abilities take me to many places to help prevent disasters before they happen...."