Inside the Carriage and 200xp for all.

Inside the Carriage, you see sir Robert and three ladies. One is (Is a taller woman in the robes of a priestess of wejas. (Just image wiz from konosuba in red instead of purple with red hair) the second. A smaller girl with long blond hair blue eyes in a blue and white dress. And three third is a female knight (just image Darkness in ruby red and black armour.

The princess looks surprised. As she looking at Robert “I take it there is a reason you wanted to talk about this topic behind closed, doors?”

Robert calmly bows as he replies “I did not want the general population to find out just yet as there will be a panic and riots. My Lady.”

She nods say “You are right to be fearful.”

With the smile coming off like a mask her smiling soft deminer changes. To that of a very cold and calculating deminer as she gets very serious. As she says. “I take it to, you also just used magic I guess the control sound spell to keep what is going on not leaving this Carriage?”
Robert only nods as she turns her gaze on Zeno as she says “Tell me every little detail.”

Outside the cart.
If you can detect magic you notice the spell if not there is an odd science around the carriage as the horses move and should be making noise but there is no sound. As some of the Imperial soldiers are looking at the situation and starting to circle the waggon. With some looking at it says “What in hell is going on in there?”