Seeming to be utterly out-of-pace, there stood near the others what appeared to be a homeless man. His posture was slightly stooped and he wore an old but still serviceably warm heavy wool coat and a beanie. His jeans and boots were as scuffed and worn as his weathered face. Fingerless woolen gloves held a large ladle, and his posture indicated he had been in mid scoop of serving some sort of stew.

Startled by his sudden change of venue, he looked around with a furtive expression in his eyes, regarding the room and the others assembled. After a moment regarding the situation, his demeanor changed. He suddenly stopped stooping, standing tall, and sipped the remaining stew from the ladle.

"Well then...I suppose there's no point to playing coy in present company." he said.

With the flaring of a gleaming golden aura, his disheveled clothes vanished, seeming to disintegrate in the glowing halo, and in place of the weathered vagrant floated the countenance of a shining demigod. His features were the same...but it was hard to imagine that the two men were the same such was the effectiveness of his former disguise.

The being before them was equally if not more glorious in comparison, and Karl felt himself filled with awe...which was almost immediately followed by a self-protective instinct. It naturally dawned on the mighty posthuman that the devil had once called himself Lucifer, or in more modern mythology, that the Dark Lord Sauron once came in the guise of the Lord of Gifts. Therefore he did not let his guard or skepticism down immediately. While he was resistant to mental manipulations he was by no means immune. It might be an illusion. It might be real, yet still a ruse. Or his present setting and host might be completely any case more information was needed and there currently there didn't seem to be any immediate danger.

"I am called Sovereign on my world." he said to the others. Directing his own, and thus the group's attention to their mysterious abductor, he continued. "Where I come from it is considered a crime to abduct a person without warning or consent...however there are sometimes extenuating circumstances and I for one am willing to hear you out. You've indicated our location; the Causeway of Worlds, of which I am unfamiliar. How shall we address you, our host?"