Quote Originally Posted by NigelWalmsley View Post
High magic challenges don't exclude people. People are just as capable of enjoying things that are at a high power level as a low or medium one. What they do is exclude character concepts. But that's not some special property of high magic challenges, that's fundamental to how games (or indeed any form of fiction) works. For something to include things, it has to exclude other things. Low magic challenges aren't less exclusive than high magic ones, they just exclude different things. Specifically, they exclude the ability to overcome high magic challenges. If the thing you want to do is play a character who is "like Kaladin" and faces challenges that are "like The Stormlight Archive", a low magic games excluding your character concept.
I kinda feel like you're deliberately missing the point. Character concepts aren't people. When you have four players around the table, and you throw a challenge at the players, and one of the players says "wow, this isn't the challenge I wanted to do", that's the player excluding themselves, not the challenge excluding them. However, when you throw a challenge at the players and two of the players say "wow, there's literally no way I can contribute to this challenge" that's the challenge excluding the players. You're dancing around and mincing words, talking about excluding concepts, but at the end of the day, while low magic challenges may exclude the ability to face a high magic challenge, high magic challenges exclude players from participating, something that a lower magic challenge does not do.