New comic. I'm guessing keybounce is having a holiday break, while it seems the Comic Irregulars aren't. Although I thought I saw one more commentary than there had been before, so maybe you're catching up?

The scene in the most current comic - I currently watch the first half of this scene, every second day as a cutscene in, of all things, the teeth-brushing-timer/distraction app we use with my daughter. Add that to the list of things to avoid, I guess, spoiler-avoiders - Oral B Disney Magic Timer. Easy enough if you haven't got an under-10-year-old kid, I imagine.

Spoiler: current scene in movie context
I saw it an hour or so ago, and mused on how they'd render it in comic - just in time, I guess. It's the scene where Finn gets BB-8 to tell Rey they're going to the Arlenium system, and BB-8 hesitates because Finn obviously has no idea, adding to BB-8's mistrust of Finn. It's crucial to the character dynamics in the movie, not to mention the exposition dump, and none of it comes across in the screenshots - the subsequent flamelighter thumbs-up is now interpreted as positive rather than menacing and ironic. Love it.