Winifred tries the door, ignoring the sounds from beyond it. Its unlocked and then seconds later she throws it open for Cassian, Evelina and Bardin can rush in. A wooden desk sits in one corner of the room, its side preventing a shabby door from opening (one you realise must lead to the walkway on the western side that goes over the water).The table is heaped with dozens of slate boards covered chalk scrawls whilst to the East a small bed is occupied.

As you kick open the door you look directly at the bed, creaking as a fat overweight and thoroughly unpleasant looking blonde man is occupied with a much younger female companion.

As you throw open the door his eyes widen, a roar of anger "By the gods, I'll have you flayed!" then as he see's how many of you there are his eyes dart towards a cluster of glass flasks on the desk and the thin rapier by the bed


Initiative is...

Ruond 1: (Very surprised) all he players go
Round 2: Cassian, Evilina, Yagrin (Bad guy), rest of the party