The Prison- Basement One

Elayne's search of the body is not fruitless, but it is not encouraging. Examining the man's pack, she finds a large, ragged hole in it and nothing else. Presumably anything in the pack now lies strewn across the dungeon somewhere. However, when searching around the man's neck she finds two things- a signet ring hanging on a chain with the symbol of some house on it that has been defaced to illegibility by a sharp tool like a dagger, alongside a blue stone circle on a chain with a circle of runes surrounding a stern dwarven face made out of bronze, silver, and gold. This matches the description Bartimeus gave you for a key stone.

Sivi's exploration of the southward facing door takes twenty minutes, but she does find something. There is an active "trap" on the door, hidden in the plethora of runes that cover it's surface. When the door is opened, which will occur when someone comes within a foot of it, a silent alarm will be triggered somewhere in the prison. Who is alive to hear the alarm and what their reaction will be remains a mystery.