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    Orc in the Playground
    Zazu Yen's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Berkeley CA

    Default Re: Girl Genius XXVIII: Dancink! Ve is here for de dancink!

    Indeed the Castle has never had the chance to participate in a "real" Solstice celebration due to being shut down by the Heterodyne, ostensibly for re-calibration but most likely because it would interfere in the Heterodyne having some real dangerous "fun". Letting them and the townsfolk let off some steam and get out some aggressions. In the Touristy version I wouldn't be surprised if the ritual ended with the end of the parade.

    I agree, of all the side stories this has been one of my favorite. It's expanding on the history and lore of the Heterodynes in an amusing way, and as much as the Castle story seemed to drag while reading it as it was being written (it's not so bad reading it all at once), it's fun to meet up with the deadly rascal again.
    Last edited by Zazu Yen; 2021-01-13 at 04:18 PM.
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